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        • Why does neutral cellophane become yellow
          Why does neutral cellophane become yellow

          1: Neutral transparent adhesive may turn yellow after curing if used together with acid glass adhesive. 4: The pulp of neutral transparent adhesive has defects, which are mainly caused by the cross-linking agent and


        • Why does the back of the mirror hit glass glue, after a period of time, the mirror surface appears the mark of speckled or glue?
          Why does the back of the mirror hit glass glue,...

          Mirrors on the market usually have three different coatings on the back: mercury, sterling silver and copper. Common mirror sizing after a period of time there will be speckled on the mirror,


        • What difference does winter and summer two seasons use universal adhesive have
          What difference does winter and summer two seas...

          Versatile adhesive can be said to be the most widely used adhesive, which can bond any article. However, the adhesive effect of versatile adhesive is easily affected by the environment,


        • Never forget the original intention, always remember the mission! Shanli celebrate the 70th birthday of new China!
          Never forget the original intention, always rem...

          The 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was a day of national celebration. Shanli macromolecule follows the party all the way, firmly supports the party's leadership,


        • All-purpose adhesive manufacturer explains how to use all-purpose adhesive
          All-purpose adhesive manufacturer explains how ...

          The suitable adhesive temperature of universal glue is 25±5℃, and the humidity is 55-75%. It should be thoroughly stirred before use. All-purpose adhesive contains volatile solvent,


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