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        • Analysis of cracking reason of silicone sealant after curing
          Analysis of cracking reason of silicone sealant...

          The adhesiveness between sealant and base material cannot be guaranteed without the compatibility test and bonding test before starting. Chemically incompatible assembly accessories (e.g. seal strip, spacer strip, gasket strip, fixed block, etc.) and sealant contact will cause discoloration or lo...


        • Whether the concentration of Dongguan universal glue is proportional to the viscosity
          Whether the concentration of Dongguan universal...

          The all-purpose glue chemistry is called "cyanoacrylate", which was first introduced in 1942. In the polymer molecular chain, 1, 4-trans structure accounts for more than 80%, and the structure is relatively regular. In addition, the existence of polar chlorine atoms on the chain makes it highly c...


        • What is white latex factory explanation
          What is white latex factory explanation

          White latex also called white glue, each area of the people called different. In full name, white latex is a water-soluble adhesive. It is a thermoplastic adhesive prepared by polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer under the action of initiator.


        • Specific steps of dongguan white latex process
          Specific steps of dongguan white latex process

          The polyvinyl alcohol powder was thoroughly dissolved in deionized water and filtered. (PVA-1788 2488, etc.)


        • White latex manufacturers analysis of the current situation of the white latex market
          White latex manufacturers analysis of the curre...

          In decorating, white latex is one of the most commonly used glue kind of product. As a water-soluble adhesive, regular white latex is a emulsion produced by a series of chemical processes with vinyl acetate as the main raw material


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