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        • Instructions for the use of Shanli polymer nail-free adhesive
          Instructions for the use of Shanli polymer nail...

          Shanli polymer nail-free adhesive is a low solvent, high performance adhesive for indoor and outdoor building decoration. In line with the export standards of Europe,


        • Some glass glue has the size of a grain of salt, and after curing some of the grain will automatically dissolve, why?
          Some glass glue has the size of a grain of salt...

          This is the choice of the raw material on the formulation of the problem. Because some of the cross-linking agents contained in some gelatins crystallize in a low temperature environment,


        • Dongguan universal glue is widely used in home decoration
          Dongguan universal glue is widely used in home ...

          Dongguan all-purpose adhesive has good properties of oil resistance, solvent resistance and chemical reagent resistance. Because neoprene adhesive is a kind of adhesive with strong adhesion and wide application, such as rubber, leather, fabric, cardboard,


        • What is the use of waterborne polyurethane floor paint
          What is the use of waterborne polyurethane floo...

          Waterborne polyurethane floor paint can be used to brush the ground and add a coating film to the ground to enhance various properties of the ground. Waterborne polyurethane floor paint has the following functions:


        • What does PVC floor glue use to clean
          What does PVC floor glue use to clean

          The first step: clean thoroughly all besmirch on the floor first, if have glue or stick when besmirch, can use neuter cleaner and cloth to grind gently carefully.


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