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        The best airing time of universal glue

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:02:07 views:

        Versatile adhesive has a wide range of USES in daily life. Versatile adhesive has a strong bond ability, which can bond almost any article.

        Versatile adhesive has a wide range of USES in daily life. Versatile adhesive has a strong bond ability, which can bond almost any article. However, when using versatile adhesive, it needs to be aired for a period of time, and its effect will be better. In front we have talked about the need to air the universal glue reason, for the universal glue drying time is not fully grasp, for this problem universal glue manufacturers made the following explanation.

        Versatile adhesive has a wide range of USES in daily life. Versatile adhesive has a strong bond ability, which can bond almost any article. However, when using versatile adhesive, it needs to be aired for a period of time, and its effect will be better. In front we have talked about the need to air the universal glue reason, for the universal glue drying time is not fully grasp, for this problem universal glue manufacturers made the following explanation.

        1. The drying time of all-purpose adhesive is the time required in the whole process from gluing to bonding. As a result of the formula and process used by different all-purpose glue manufacturers are different, so in the same conditions (temperature, humidity, air pressure), the required drying time is also different.

        2. Judgment method for the drying time of all-purpose adhesive: besides the drying time required by the formula set by all-purpose adhesive manufacturer, the drying time is also affected by temperature, humidity and other conditions. Normally, temperature is low, humidity is big, the solvent in omnipotent glue volatilizes slower, absorb moisture in air possibly in volatilization process, form white water vapor on the surface of coating good glue film, such meeting affects adhesion performance seriously, even adhesion failure. Accordingly, when temperature is low, humidity is big, use with caution, or relative air sets time to want appropriate extension, take certain heat preservation measure. In addition, the temperature is lower in the -15℃ below, some of the universal rubber brand may appear gel phenomenon, should be timely choose antifreeze products, or when using available hot water heating to 15℃-20℃, you can restore the original state, performance unchanged.

        Generally speaking, no matter what the conditions are, the drying time of universal glue is generally 10 minutes to 30 minutes after the glue coating, the verification method is that the glue pulp reaches 89 percent dry, the hand pressure film is not taken up, but can not be excessively placed or immediately after the glue adhesive bonding. In case of poor bonding, the bonding process should be adjusted. During the adjustment, the same material sample can be used, and several groups of the same adhesive can be applied respectively. The best bonding time can be selected by airing time of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and 25 minutes. 1. The drying time of all-purpose adhesive is the time required in the whole process from gluing to bonding. As a result of the formula and process used by different all-purpose glue manufacturers are different, so in the same conditions (temperature, humidity, air pressure), the required drying time is also different.

        3. Judgment method for the drying time of all-purpose adhesive: besides the drying time required by the formula set by all-purpose adhesive manufacturer, the drying time is also affected by temperature, humidity and other conditions. Normally, temperature is low, humidity is big, the solvent in omnipotent glue volatilizes slower, absorb moisture in air possibly in volatilization process, form white water vapor on the surface of coating good glue film, such meeting affects adhesion performance seriously, even adhesion failure. Accordingly, when temperature is low, humidity is big, use with caution, or relative air sets time to want appropriate extension, take certain heat preservation measure. In addition, the temperature is lower in the -15℃ below, some of the universal rubber brand may appear gel phenomenon, should be timely choose antifreeze products, or when using available hot water heating to 15℃-20℃, you can restore the original state, performance unchanged.

        Generally speaking, no matter what the conditions are, the drying time of universal glue is generally 10 minutes to 30 minutes after the glue coating, the verification method is that the glue pulp reaches 89 percent dry, the hand pressure film is not taken up, but can not be excessively placed or immediately after the glue adhesive bonding. In case of poor bonding, the bonding process should be adjusted. During the adjustment, the same material sample can be used, and several groups of the same adhesive can be applied respectively. The best bonding time can be selected by airing time of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and 25 minutes.

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