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        Some glass glue has the size of a grain of salt, and after curing some of the grain will automatically dissolve, why?

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:02:05 views:

        This is the choice of the raw material on the formulation of the problem. Because some of the cross-linking agents contained in some gelatins crystallize in a low temperature environment,

        This is the choice of the raw material on the formulation of the problem. Because some of the cross-linking agents contained in some gelatins crystallize in a low temperature environment, the cross-linking agent coagulates in the gel bottle, and after being played out, you will see the granular size of salt powder particles, but it will slowly dissolve, so the granular will automatically dissolve after curing. This situation has little effect on the quality of the glue. Appear this circumstance, basically be to be affected by low temperature bigger.

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