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        Dongguan universal glue is widely used in home decoration

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:02:04 views:

        Dongguan all-purpose adhesive has good properties of oil resistance, solvent resistance and chemical reagent resistance. Because neoprene adhesive is a kind of adhesive with strong adhesion and wide application, such as rubber, leather, fabric, cardboard,

        Dongguan all-purpose adhesive has good properties of oil resistance, solvent resistance and chemical reagent resistance. Because neoprene adhesive is a kind of adhesive with strong adhesion and wide application, such as rubber, leather, fabric, cardboard, wood-based board, wood, foam plastics, ceramics, concrete, metal and other self-adhesion or mutual adhesion, so it is also known as all-purpose adhesive. In fact, the real universal glue does not exist, but it is widely used and given its good name.

        Dongguan all-purpose adhesive has a wide range of USES in the home decoration, is the security door, steel and wood door, polymer door and other essential auxiliary materials, is to contact the single component of air curing adhesive. Dongguan all-purpose adhesive has the characteristics of high bonding strength, good weather resistance, easy to use and water resistance, etc. It is widely used for bonding wood, metal and foam plastics.

        Dongguan Universal glue has more USES at the same time, such as:

        1. Installation of doors and Windows: sealing and fixing the joints between doors and Windows and walls.

        2. Advertisement model: the production of model and sand table and the repair of display board.

        3, sound insulation muffler: Language studio, studio and other decoration gaps fill, can play a sound insulation muffler.

        4, gardening landscape: flower arrangement, gardening landscape, light and beautiful.

        5. Daily maintenance: repair of holes, cracks, wall tiles, floor tiles.

        6, waterproof plugging: tap water pipes, sewers and other loopholes repair, plug leaks.

        7. Packaging and transportation: It can conveniently wrap precious and fragile goods, save time and speed, and withstand earthquake pressure.

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