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        All-purpose adhesive manufacturer explains how to use all-purpose adhesive

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:03:17 views:

        The suitable adhesive temperature of universal glue is 25±5℃, and the humidity is 55-75%. It should be thoroughly stirred before use. All-purpose adhesive contains volatile solvent,

        All-purpose adhesive manufacturers here to explain the use of all-purpose adhesive:

        1. Construction conditions

        The suitable adhesive temperature of universal glue is 25±5℃, and the humidity is 55-75%. It should be thoroughly stirred before use. All-purpose adhesive contains volatile solvent, so the air should be kept clear during construction, not close to open fire or high temperature. Generally speaking, all kinds of glue in the winter under 5℃, there is a possibility of gel phenomenon, affect the use of, then available 30℃ -- 50℃ hot water will be soaked glue tank 20 minutes can be restored to its original state, performance unchanged, can continue to use.

        2. Surface requirements

        It is necessary for all-purpose adhesive manufacturers to properly treat the surface of the adhesive before using all-purpose adhesive, including removing oil, removing rust, removing moisture, polishing, and keeping the surface clean, dry and firm; Remove oil, decontamination can be used 120# gasoline, toluene or ethyl acetate and other fast drying solvent scrub clean, and dry, polishing generally with 0# or 1# sandpaper gently polishing. Stick three-ply board, floor, bamboo or other wood products, be stuck by the moisture content before besmear glue must ask to be below 8%, if when be higher than 8%, answer to be stuck by the air after drying or drying besmear glue again.

        3, glue

        General materials can be coated with glue. For porous material, glue needs to be coated 2, 3 times, and must be in the last time the solvent of the glue completely volatilized, in order to carry out the next glue, not too hasty.

        All kinds of rubber manufacturers in order to prevent residual air layer, coating brush will move in the same direction, so conducive to the discharge of air, but pay attention to the speed of paint scraping should not be too fast. Generally, the thinner the adhesive layer, the fewer defects, the smaller the shrinkage, the higher the bonding strength. Glue layer should be thin and not thick, glue layer is too thick, will produce dry, sticky and bubbling defects. Accordingly, below the premise that does not lack glue to ensure, glue layer as far as possible some thinner had better. Generally, the thickness of adhesive layer should be controlled within 0.08 -- 0.15mm, that is, the amount of adhesive is 250 -- 350g/m2.

        4, dry place

        The purpose of drying and setting all-purpose adhesive is to make the solvent volatilize clean, increase the viscosity and promote curing. The solvent must be volatilized clean after gluing, do not immediately adhesive, so as to avoid adhesive layer sticky or bubbles, resulting in the quality of bonding. Airing time is generally 5-15 minutes /25℃. When the adhesive layer is dry film (touch the non-sticky fingers with your fingers), it should be aligned to bond immediately; The drying time should not be too long, so as to avoid the loss of adhesive layer, affecting the bonding strength.

        5. Bonding and pressing

        All kinds of adhesive, adhesive must be timely, one-time alignment of the position of adhesive, can not move back and forth. After bonding, adopt pressing, hammering or rolling to drive away the air and tighten the adhesive layer to improve bonding quality.

        6. Maximum intensity

        Although all kinds of glue can form good stick force in a short time, but want to reach maximum strength to need 3-5 days time, so, bear the joint with big force, should place enough time to use again.

        7, storage

        All - purpose adhesive should be stored in a cool, dry place away from children. Do not allow direct sunlight, high temperature, poor sealing or long exposure time, solvent volatilization will cause too much viscosity, unable to construction. Can be used toluene, ethyl acetate, butanone or acetone or dilute, can stir evenly continue to use.

        8, other

        Furniture surface such as wood grain or cat eye paper, it is recommended to use water-based latex, otherwise the strong solvent in all-purpose glue will dissolve the grain of wood grain paper. All kinds of glue can not be glued by toluene, ethyl acetate, butanone, acetone and other dissolved plastic, such as polystyrene rigid foam (commonly known as benzene board), then it is recommended to use neoprene latex for bonding.

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