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        What is white latex factory explanation

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:03:41 views:

        White latex also called white glue, each area of the people called different. In full name, white latex is a water-soluble adhesive. It is a thermoplastic adhesive prepared by polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer under the action of initiator.

        White latex manufacturers explain what is white latex:

        White latex also called white glue, each area of the people called different. In full name, white latex is a water-soluble adhesive. It is a thermoplastic adhesive prepared by polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer under the action of initiator. Can be cured at room temperature, curing faster, high bonding strength, bonding layer has good toughness and durability and not easy to aging. Commonly known as white latex or PVAC emulsion, chemical name polyvinyl acetate adhesive, it is based on water dispersion medium emulsion polymerization, is a kind of water - based environmental adhesive. It has been widely used in wood, furniture, decoration, printing, textile, leather, papermaking and other industries, and has become a familiar adhesive.

        White latex manufacturers for everyone to introduce the general name of white latex that is polyvinyl acetate emulsion, because of the preparation of more complex operation technology, equipment investment, and vinyl acetate monomer price is higher, so the production cost of white latex is higher. After years of research and development of white latex manufacturers, the price of white latex is now low. Instead of using vinyl acetate monomer, it is made of polyvinyl formal and oxidized starch as the main adhesive base material and prepared by instant soap emulsification. Its appearance is milky white and it is a kind of compound white latex with adhesive force comparable to that of general white latex. The preparation process is simple, the production cost is low, can replace the low general white latex used in related industries.

        It is easy to use, strong adhesion, production process is relatively simple. White latex can cure at room temperature, cure faster, higher bonding strength, bonding layer has better toughness and durability, and is not easy to aging. It is based on water as dispersant, safe to use, non-toxic, non-flammable, easy to clean, curing at room temperature, wood, paper and fabric has a very good adhesion, adhesive strength is high, the cured adhesive layer is colorless transparent, good toughness, does not pollute the adhesive; Emulsion stability, storage life up to more than half a year.

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