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        Whether the concentration of Dongguan universal glue is proportional to the viscosity

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:03:41 views:

        The all-purpose glue chemistry is called "cyanoacrylate", which was first introduced in 1942. In the polymer molecular chain, 1, 4-trans structure accounts for more than 80%, and the structure is relatively regular. In addition, the existence of polar chlorine atoms on the chain makes it highly crystalline, which can crystallize between -35℃ and 32℃ (0℃ is the fastest).

        The all-purpose glue chemistry is called "cyanoacrylate", which was first introduced in 1942. In the polymer molecular chain, 1, 4-trans structure accounts for more than 80%, and the structure is relatively regular. In addition, the existence of polar chlorine atoms on the chain makes it highly crystalline, which can crystallize between -35℃ and 32℃ (0℃ is the fastest). These properties make neoprene have higher cohesion and better adhesion at room temperature even without vulcanization, so it is very suitable to be used as adhesive. In addition, due to the presence of chlorine atoms, the neoprene rubber mold has excellent characteristics of fire resistance, ozone resistance and atmospheric aging resistance.

        All-purpose glue also known as 107 glue, its main ingredient is polyethylene formaldehyde, colorless transparent solution, easy to dissolve in water. Dongguan all-purpose adhesive is widely used in the construction industry, such as for adhesion of ceramic tile, wallpaper, exterior wall decoration, etc., also used in the shoe industry to paste leather shoes lining and stationery glue, etc.

        People often ask dongguan universal adhesive viscosity and viscosity problem, there are a large number of people do not distinguish adhesive viscosity and viscosity is how one thing in the end.

        In short, the adhesive viscosity refers to the dongguan all-purpose adhesive completely dry performance of the cohesive force and bonding strength, and viscosity refers to the adhesive concentration. Is there any necessary connection between them? The answer is negative, do not necessarily say adhesive is thicker stickiness is better, also be not to say adhesive of good stickiness certain concentration is tall.

        A lot of people have a thought error, think Dongguan wanneng glue is thicker stickiness is better, some people still think Dongguan wanneng glue solid content is its concentration. These are the mistake area of common sense of a few adhesive, should listen to manufacturer introduction to analyze in detail about these problems, rather than blindly go after extreme attribute according to oneself idea.

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