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        White latex manufacturers analysis of the current situation of the white latex market

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:03:38 views:

        In decorating, white latex is one of the most commonly used glue kind of product. As a water-soluble adhesive, regular white latex is a emulsion produced by a series of chemical processes with vinyl acetate as the main raw material

        In decorating, white latex is one of the most commonly used glue kind of product. As a water-soluble adhesive, regular white latex is a emulsion produced by a series of chemical processes with vinyl acetate as the main raw material. It is widely used in furniture manufacturing, wood processing, building decoration, leather, printing, binding, paper-plastic composite based emulsion, textile finishing, cigarette manufacturing, paint, and with cement mortar for exterior wall, facing repair, metope embedded cracks, and used for the joining together of joinery board, veneer of repair, repair of plywood and secondary processing of man-made board and so on.

        The spread of fake goods is the most prominent problem in the current white latex manufacturers market. It has to be said that the whole white latex manufacturers market is sad, not only for manufacturers, but also for the health of consumers has caused great harm. White latex factory market is a microcosm of Chinese building materials market, after all, hard to escape. As is known to all, white latex is a derivative of oil, the cost fluctuates with the oil price, but the counterfeiters add starch and other substances into the real goods, or even directly use starch, the cost can be greatly reduced, but the effect is greatly reduced. On the other hand, the illegal cost of fake and inferior products is so low that when caught, they are simply fined. If counterfeit and shoddy goods are found in the building materials city, relevant building materials city will be punished. In this way, many building materials cities have little enthusiasm for cracking down on fake products and even threaten enterprises not to crack down on fake products, or they will not let the real goods enter the market. China's construction market is not standardized, construction owners use fake goods to deceive owners, which is also an important reason for the prevalence of fake goods. Domestic construction market is known to be in chaos, layer upon layer exploitation, to the final construction units, to improve the profits, only fake. Bid with genuine goods first, use fake goods to fill number when construction next, especially the product such as white latex, general owner can't see at all, shoddy thing often happens, even national key project. We often encountered some projects, bidding with a bank, to use 30 tons, the early into the 5 tons, there is no more below, do not ask, must be replaced by fake. This phenomenon is common, can say is the problem of the whole environment, not the manufacturer can solve. Illegal dealers can easily collect empty barrels, load them with fake and inferior products, and sell them in the market with genuine products, without consumers being able to identify them. So in the current situation of the market, white latex manufacturers must strengthen the monitoring of enterprises, in order to reduce the influx of unqualified products into the market, causing losses to the majority of consumption.

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