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        How to use universal adhesive to bond plastic products

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:03:37 views:

        It is well known for its ability to bond to almost anything, from shoes to cartons to even glass. Today we're going to focus on how to use universal adhesives to bond plastic products.

        It is well known for its ability to bond to almost anything, from shoes to cartons to even glass. Today we're going to focus on how to use universal adhesives to bond plastic products.

        First: Surface treatment. The object must be complete, the surface clean, dry, no oil, no dust.

        Secondly: the operating environment should be suitable, should not be too cold or too hot in the environment, so as not to cure too slow or too fast, the best operating temperature is between 20℃-30℃, if the product itself is very dry then add curing agent mixed use, otherwise the setting time is very slow.

        Again: Glue. Glue rolling, coating, brush, spray and other forms of uniform coating on the surface of the adhesive. 1Kg adhesive can be applied to the surface of the adhesive with an area of 4-5m2, the operation time is about 0.5h, and the airing time is 10-15 minutes, until the solvent evaporates. If it is a loose material, glue it for a second time, then air it for 15-25 minutes, directly bond the two surfaces, press it to make it close contact.

        Finally, after curing completely, remove the surrounding excess glue to ensure its aesthetic properties. Store in a cool and dry place.

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