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        What is opal gum and what characteristics does it have

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:03:36 views:

        In our life, the use of adhesive is the most versatile adhesive, but sometimes in order to save the cost of bonding a large area of the local will also use latex glue. Many people may not be very familiar with the lactobacillus,

        In our life, the use of adhesive is the most versatile adhesive, but sometimes in order to save the cost of bonding a large area of the local will also use latex glue. Many people may not be very familiar with the lactobacillus, very little is known about the lactobacillus. Today the good home gum company will give you a detailed introduction of lactobacillus:

        Milky white adhesive is a kind of modern green and environmental friendly adhesive with water as dispersed phase, strong adhesion, moderate viscosity, non-toxic, non-corrosive, pollution-free. It is based on vinyl acetate as the main raw material, ammonium persulfate as the initiator, in the temperature of 80℃ or so polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer and produced a milky viscous liquid, is a very versatile adhesive.

        Water - based non - flammable, non - toxic and non - odor corrosion. Good adhesion to wood, paper, fiber, cement, etc. Curing at room temperature has good film-forming property and good initial adhesion. Three varieties for different viscosity purposes are available. Dilution: Generally used directly. Mechanical stability: Slight demulsification is possible under unusual high speed stirring. Remove the ingredients on the gluing surface such as water, oil, dust, paint, rust and other dirt that hinder the bonding effect, and make the gluing surface smooth. Apply the glue liquid thin and evenly on the gluing surface, close and add appropriate pressure, until the glue is cured by water drying.

        Opal should be sealed and stored in a cool and dry place at a storage temperature of 5~40℃. Effective storage period of half a year, beyond the storage period if qualified inspection can still be used. Scope of application: mainly used as adhesive for wood, textile, coating, paper processing, construction and other industries. Milky white adhesive is a kind of modern green and environmental friendly adhesive with water as dispersed phase, strong adhesion, moderate viscosity, non-toxic, non-corrosive, pollution-free. It is based on vinyl acetate as the main raw material, ammonium persulfate as the initiator, in the temperature of 80℃ or so polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer and produced a milky viscous liquid, is a very versatile adhesive.

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