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        What are the characteristics of self spraying universal adhesive

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:03:34 views:

        Universal glue we are familiar with, the first thing that comes to mind when bonding items is it. The universal adhesive we usually see are barrels or cans, in the use of the lid can be opened to continue to use, more trouble,

        Universal glue we are familiar with, the first thing that comes to mind when bonding items is it. The universal adhesive we usually see are barrels or cans, in the use of the lid can be opened to continue to use, more trouble, and if not immediately after the use of the lid will cause volatilization, affecting the bonding performance, so the use of convenient self-spraying universal adhesive. Compared with the traditional all-purpose adhesive, self-spraying all-purpose adhesive is packed and filled with special nozzle valves. Self-spraying all-purpose adhesive is a kind of aerosol all-purpose adhesive developed by scientific processing technology.

        Flowing adhesive usage is different from the traditional barrel all-purpose adhesive, it does not need to use the hair brush, scraper, plastic barrels, such as tools, improve before coating, brush and gel coating and rely on the air compressor will be liquid extrusion to trouble, just shake hands press button spraying injection, flexible operation, environmental health, and don't have to worry about sticky hands. Freeze-thaw resistance, aging resistance, strong initial adhesion, uniform spraying will not produce degumming phenomenon. Compared with the traditional all-purpose adhesive, it can improve the construction efficiency, save time and apply widely.

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