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        The wall before the wall on the floor tile brushed waterproof glue afraid not afraid

        Source: Time:2020-06-08 16:52:04 views:

        The inner wall is pasted with waterproof glue before the wall brick, and the ceramic tile is pasted with special ceramic tile glue. Or metope hangs a net, reoccupy arenaceous ash is glued.

        The inner wall is pasted with waterproof glue before the wall brick, and the ceramic tile is pasted with special ceramic tile glue. Or metope hangs a net, reoccupy arenaceous ash is glued.

        After wall stucco is waterproof, it is no longer easy to stick ceramic tile. Must increase the adhesive bonding, in order to ensure the construction quality.

        1, the first method: use ceramic tile adhesive. Ceramic tile binder also known as face brick binder, the material is made of cement, quartz sand, polymer cement material with a variety of additives by mechanical mixing evenly. Ceramic tile binder is mainly used to bond ceramic tile and face brick adhesive, also known as polymer ceramic tile binding mortar. This ceramic tile adhesive completely solves the problem that ceramic tile, floor tile and other materials do not have the choice of high-quality special adhesive materials during the adhesive construction, providing a new type of reliable special ceramic tile adhesive products for the Chinese market.

        2. The second method: use the metope hanging net technology. The diagram below:

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