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        What is the use of waterborne polyurethane floor paint

        Source: Time:2020-06-08 16:59:05 views:

        Waterborne polyurethane floor paint can be used to brush the ground and add a coating film to the ground to enhance various properties of the ground. Waterborne polyurethane floor paint has the following functions:
        Waterborne polyurethane floor paint can be used to brush the ground and add a coating film to the ground to enhance various properties of the ground. Waterborne polyurethane floor paint has the following functions:

        1. Strong adhesion

        It has super high adhesion to many ground materials, excellent corrosion resistance and chemical resistance of cured film, low shrinkage of film, high hardness, strong wear resistance and excellent electrical insulation function.

        2, water

        As the name suggests, Sino waterborne polyurethane floor paint, water is also one of its selling points. This floor paint USES water as a loose medium, saving a lot of resources, causing no pollution and providing high safety during storage and transportation. No organic solvent, very friendly to the environment and human health, in line with the current concept of environmental protection.

        3. Easy to use

        Construction is convenient, can directly add water to adjust the viscosity of the material, the construction items can be directly clean with clean water, reduce the cost

        4. Air permeability

        The coating film formed by waterborne polyurethane paint has unilateral permeability, the water vapor produced on the surface can be released into the air from the coating film, but the moisture in the air will not be absorbed into the paint film, effectively avoid the phenomenon of bubble stripping and floor swelling caused by moisture.

        5. Short hours

        Zhonuo waterborne polyurethane has few construction procedures. It only needs to be redaubed on the cement and other ground, and can be put into normal use within a few days after construction.

        6. Long service life

        The abrasion resistance and firmness of ordinary cement floor cannot support its application to the factory, but on the basis of cement floor, the use of Sino waterborne polyurethane floor paint can make the ground more adhesion, the ground is more solid.

        7. Colors are diverse and varied

        Waterborne polyurethane has many colors to choose from, and it is not easy to fade, and it can be subdivided into non-slip floor and wear-resistant floor, so as to truly achieve excellent quality and reasonable price.

        8. Easy to clean up

        Because of its evenness, waterborne polyurethane floor improves the convenience of cleaning, no matter using mop, dishcloth, automatic cleaning machine, etc., the floor can be cleaned clean.

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