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        Shan Li gold 668 fine acidic structure glue

        Category:Silicone rubber

        Product specifications:


        Shan Li gold medal 668 quality acid glass glue

        Aquarium Tank · Point curtain wall · large panel glass

        Product features:

        This product is a single component, acid cured silicone glass adhesive; High curing speed; High adhesion; High performance imported acid glass gum for aquarium and large panel glass assembly.

        Scope of Use:

        It is suitable for sealing aquariums, point curtain wall glass, etc.

        Usage Restrictions:

        Cannot be used for structural bonding; Do not use on all surfaces of oils or exudates; Not suitable for wet or frosted surfaces; Substrate surface temperature below 4 ℃ is not suitable for construction; Should not be used on the surface of the need to paint, because paint film will crack or flake.

        Storage and shelf life:

        It should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry place below 27 ℃.

        Aluminum film pack:

        Shelf life: 12 months

        Net capacity: 300ml

        Color: transparent, porcelain white, gray, black, adjustable other colors

        Packing quantity: 24 PCS/carton

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