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        Waterproof glue blue bucket 50KG

        Category:Waterproof glue

        Product specifications:


        Description of sanli macromolecule waterproof
        Product Advantages:
        1. Green, non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free
        2. Good water resistance
        3. Convenient construction

        Shanli polymer cement waterproof coating is made of a specific high performance polymer emulsion and a certain proportion of cement. The rubber-like waterproof film formed after curing of this product has excellent adhesion, impermeability, crack resistance, durability and other functions. The construction is convenient, the product conforms to the national environmental protection profession standard GB/T23445-2009 request, is decorates the expert first choice environmental protection waterproof material.

        Second, the purpose

        1. It is widely used in waterproof, leakproof and moisture-proof engineering of external wall, toilet, bathroom, sink, basement, roof and other buildings
        2, used for aerated concrete, hollow brick and other porous material masonry leakage prevention.

        3. Main technical performance

        1. Bond strength: bond with concrete and cement mortar ≥ 1.0mpa
        2. Elongation at break: no treatment ≥ 80%, tensile strength: no treatment ≥ 1.8mpa
        3. Non-percolating water: 0.3mpa, no percolating water for 30min
        4. Impermeability ≥ 0.6mpa

        Iv. Usage

        1. Base treatment: the surface of the matrix should be smooth and firm, without honeycomb, crumpled surface, dust and oil, and the Angle of Yin and Yang should be made into arc; Before construction, the base defect should be repaired
        2. Bottom coating: according to engineering practice or design requirements, the surface of the matrix can be brushed with mountain force polymer emulsion as the interface.

        3. Waterproof coating: stir according to the weight ratio of Shanley macromolecular emulsion adhesive: cement =1:0.8-1. After stirred by hand electric drill, brush on the substrate to prevent leakage and trachoma. After the first layer is dry (about 2-4 hours), it is advisable not to stick hands, then apply the second layer, and apply the third layer to reach the waterproof specification and thickness.
        4. Enhancement treatment: if the waterproof layer needs to be enhanced, non-woven cloth or non-alkali glass fiber cloth can be used as the embryo body for enhancement.

        5. Dosage :1-2kg/m2

        6, do not mix the dry slurry with water and then use, construction is completed within 24 hours prohibit trampling, can not damage the waterproof layer.
        After it is completely dry and fixed, please test the water and make other covering layer (such as batting, sticky brick, ceramic tile) only when there is no leakage.

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