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        Sanshanli Crown (red) clean taste ecological white latex

        Category:Green white latex

        Product specifications:


        Shanli polymer white latex description

        Shanli white polymer emulsion is mainly made of vinyl acetate emulsion polymerized by PVA,VCA and other main materials. Shanli polymer USES innovative technology and technology to create a more comfortable and healthy home environment for you with excellent product quality. Shanli polymer professional focus, health shield, really expert. Choose Shanli polymer, products not only meet the GB18583-2008 standard, but also passed the certification standard.

        Ingredient: PVA VAC is a kind of water-based viscose
        Features: Strong adhesive force
        Quick drying

        Good frost resistance

        Healthy environmental protection

        Easy to glue

        High solid content

        Scope of application: Suitable for plywood, fiberboard, wood, paper paste; Widely used in home manufacturing, decoration, printing and other industries. It is also suitable for mixing double fly powder into wall material to improve hardness and moisture resistance.

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