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        Yingtong All-purpose adhesive 15L

        Category:Environmental friendly all-purpose adhesive

        Product specifications:


        Usage of Shanli All-purpose adhesive:
        Main ingredients: chloroprene rubber viscosifying resin additives 6# solvent, etc
        Product appearance: Yellow liquid

        Product features: strong adhesion, small odor, non-toxic environmental protection, easy construction, high solid content, brush area, fast drying
        Construction technology: surface treatment → gluing → drying → bonding test → curing
        Shanli environmental friendly all-purpose adhesive is a kind of characteristic adhesive. In order to give full play to the adhesive performance of this product, the surface of the bonded material shall be cleaned before bonding, without dust, grease or other pollutants, and the surface shall be kept clean, dry and stain free. Then evenly apply a thin layer of Shanli All-energy adhesive on the surface of the adhesive, and the adhesive can be bonded after it becomes dry film (usually in 10-15 minutes, according to the temperature and humidity, bonding can be advanced or delayed). After bonding, apply pressure or knock on the adhesive layer, so as to drive away the air, tighten the adhesive layer and improve the bonding quality. Stir and shake well before use.

        Applicable Scope:
        Shanli environmental friendly all-purpose adhesive is specially prepared for adhesion of various materials. It has strong adhesion and is widely used in decoration, furniture manufacturing and other industries. Suitable for adhesion: aluminum-plastic board, fireproof board, wood board, glue board, medium fiber board, wood thin leather, furniture, PVC board, organic board, leather, carpet, metal sheet, rubber, glass, ceramics and other different materials.
        Application tools:
        Roller tools, brush, trowel, scraper, toothed knife, etc.
        The properties of Dongguan Shanli macromolecule environmental friendly multifunctional adhesive and common multifunctional adhesive are compared as follows

        Performance of the brand

        Shanli polymer all-purpose adhesive

        Ordinary universal glue

        The toxicity of

        Does not contain three benzene

        Contains benzene poison, have serious poison to human body, benzene poison can cause cancer

        The dosage

        Glue area is big, save dosage

        Glue area is small, dosage is big


        Moderate viscosity, can be scraped and brushed, easy construction

        High or low viscosity, poor construction adaptability

        Viscous force

        The initial adhesive force is very strong, which is better than ordinary universal adhesive

        The initial adhesive force is poor, which is prone to arc edge phenomenon

        Solid content

        High solid content, rich gel sense

        Low solid content, poor glue sensitivity, not easy to construct

        The proportion of

        Light specific gravity, large construction area

        Than heavy, small construction area


        The smell is small and sweet

        Have a stimulating smell


        More transparent glue

        Turgidity, less glue

        Table dry time

        Adhesive is usually available within 10-15 minutes

        Glue after 5-30 minutes, easy to be affected by the weather slow dry or not


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