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        Strong nail-Free adhesive (silver grey)

        Category:Free nail glue

        Product specifications:


        Free nail glue:
        Shanli nail-Free adhesive is a kind of adhesive with low solvent, high performance and strong adhesion for indoor and outdoor building decoration. Shanli polymer adopts imported raw materials and formula, introduces foreign equipment and production process, and produces products with unique properties.
        Ingredients: synthetic rubber, resin, solvent, etc.


        1. Strong adhesion

        2. Fast bonding speed

        3. Wide adhesion range

        4. Healthy, environmentally friendly and odorless

        5. Good weather resistance, moistureproof, mildew proof

        6. Easy to construction

        7. High solid content

        Scope of application: Suitable for furniture edge sealing, wood, plywood, high-density board, particleboard, plywood, PU board, wood line; All kinds of picture frames, signs, acrylic, display cabinets, mercury lens, aluminum sealing edge, crystal board, small area metal, stone, ceramics, etc.

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