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        Waterborne polyurethane
        • Waterborne polyurethane

        Waterborne polyurethane

        Category:Waterborne polyurethane

        Product specifications:


        Description of Waterborne polyurethane
        Shanly waterborne polyurethane is a kind of water-borne aromatic polyurethane, thick and soft and dry after film formation, with excellent wear resistance and washing fastness, good adhesion, good elongation and resilience, good yellow resistance, excellent inclusiveness and color development for various dyes.
        Technical indicators:
        Appearance of slightly white, slightly transparent liquid
        Solid contains 35% to 80%
        Elongation is about 900
        Tensile strength 5
        The breaking strength is 30-45
        Frost resistance -25 degree non - breaking
        Scope of application: cowboy pulp, thick board pulp, nylon pulp, etc., suitable for all kinds of printing process

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