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        Solutions for sealing and waterproof doors and Windows

        Solutions for sealing and waterproof doors and Windows

        In daily life, Windows and doors play a great role in increasing indoor sunshine, increasing comfort, watching the scenery outside, and being the escape window in emergency. However, water seepage occurs in the process of use, and the impact on daily life is also a nuisance. So it is necessary to do a good job of sealing and waterproof doors and Windows.

        There are two main aspects of water seepage through doors and Windows

        One: Water seepage around doors, Windows and walls:

        It is mainly because of the water seepage caused by lax sealing around the window.

        The window periphery does waterproof afresh, waterproof proposal still has to be in exterior wall in, do in interior wall is palliative, tube too long still can rise drum, fall off.

        1, the window is loose deformation caused by water leakage: the loose between the window and the frame caused by water leakage is a common reason, on the one hand, when closing the door the window will also resonate vibration, as time goes by, the gap between the window and the wall is getting larger and larger. On the other hand is caused by the poor quality of the window, the poor quality of the window strength is not enough, easy to produce deformation, use soon will occur window frame edge mortar layer cracking, fall off, thus causing leakage.

        Solution: Leaks caused by the quality of the Windows themselves require direct repair or replacement. The quality that the window frame of choose and buy, window sash, seal strip should pass a custom.

        2. The waterproof layer of the wall near the window is damaged, causing water leakage. Older rooms

        The waterproof layer of the walls around the house and Windows is damaged and easy to leak

        Solution: the window wall itself leaks water, the solution is, knock open the outer wall, repair, repair check is firm, remember to lay a waterproof layer

        3. The window frame and the wall are permeated with water. The main reason is that the wall expands and contracts in heat and cold, leading to cracks in the frame and wall.

        Solution: Choose a good sealant, according to the construction guidelines to the construction.

        Two: window sash glass and aluminum alloy sealant crack, fall off resulting in water seepage

        Main is 1: have no choice to suit sealant. 2: aluminum alloy surface coating, oil, dust and other causes incompatibility.

        3: Construction is not standard.

        Solution: To choose a good sealant, do compatibility tests before construction, and do the correct construction according to the construction guidelines.

        Iii. Construction technology of doors and Windows:

        The specification and model of aluminum window should meet the design requirements, hardware accessories, sealant and so on are complete. Play the center line of the window and the indoor +50cm horizontal line. Check whether the position of the iron feet connected on both sides of the aluminum window is consistent with the position of the reserved concrete block on the wall.

        Operation process

        (1) Elastic thread

        According to the plane position of the window in the construction drawing of the building, find the position of the window at the highest level, take the window edge line as the standard, use the special large line to lower the window edge line, and mark the line at the window of each floor, and the individual not straight mouth edge should be picked out.

        The height of the window should be based on the horizontal line of floor +50cm, invert it, measure the lower skin level of the window, and straighten the spring line. A room shall maintain the same lower elevation of the window and the same lower elevation of each floor.

        (2) Installation position of the wall

        Determine the installation position of aluminum alloy window in the direction of wall thickness according to the large drawing of the outer wall and the width of the window sill board. If there is deviation in the thickness of the outer wall, in principle, the exposed width of the window sill board in the same room shall prevail. It is appropriate to extend the window sill board into the aluminum window for 5mm.

        (4) emplacement and temporary fixation

        According to good rules, install aluminum window, and timely lift it straight leveling, timely check its installation position is correct, no problem, temporary fixed with wooden wedge.

        (v) Fixing with the wall

        Fix the connectors to the wall with a nail gun, the spacing between connectors should be less than 600mm, and make covert acceptance records.

        (6) Handle the gap between the window frame and the wall

        After the aluminum alloy window is installed and fixed, the gap between window frame and wall shall be filled with mineral wool in time as required.

        (7) Gluing

        1. Clean the connection between window frame and wall or stone.

        2, the use of building sealant, adhesive surface should be smooth, flat, the width and width is basically the same.

        (8) Glass installation

        1. Divide the glass size and specifications, and wrap the leather strap according to the design requirements.

        2, fix the glass, after installing the frame, plug the strap, the strap should be smooth, no loosing, disjointed, fall off phenomenon, the surrounding interface should be coated with sealant. Clean the glass surface.

        (9) Install hardware accessories

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