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        Paper packaging box viscose solutions

        Paper packaging box viscose solutions


        Packaging boxes are boxes used for packaging products. They can be classified according to materials, such as wooden boxes, paper boxes, cloth boxes, leather boxes, iron boxes, acrylic boxes, etc. They can also be classified according to product names, such as gift boxes, wine boxes, chocolate boxes, pen boxes, food boxes, tea boxes, etc.

        Packing materials and packing forms commonly used in packing boxes:

        Common packing materials are as follows:

        1) White paper -- plain white paper, grey paper, copy paper, wrinkle paper.

        2) Fillers -- Poly velvet, sponge, etc.

        3) Color box: gray paper, gray copper, white copper, single copper, double copper, gorgeous card, gold card, platinum card, silver card, laser card, kraft paper, etc.

        There are two kinds of color boxes: color boxes with Windows open and color boxes without Windows open. Among them, does not open the window the color box is divided into has the corrugated color box and has no corrugated color box two kinds. Open the window of the color box is also divided into two kinds: the window of the color box sticker film and the window of the color box without film.

        Packing box is often used for inner packing, which generally has the following forms:

        1: Color box: divided into corrugated box and no corrugated box;

        2: White boxes: they can be divided into corrugated (3-5 layers) white boxes and non-corrugated white boxes. After packaging, products should be sealed with adhesive tape

        3: Display boxes: There are many kinds of display boxes, mainly including color display boxes, display boxes with PVC cover, etc. The products in the packaging box can be visually seen through the packaging

        4. Gift box: It is mainly used for the packaging of jewelry, stationery and other products, with many kinds.

        The most difficult thing for paper packaging boxes is the packaging of gift boxes, especially for display boxes. This is because the materials often change, in order to pursue the trend and aesthetic of the market, various materials and processes constantly change, so the glue must be adjusted according to the actual situation. In the factory assembly line to pay attention to speed and efficiency, but also to control the rate of good quality, but also to control the cost, it is necessary to take a comprehensive consideration.

        The box is easy to appear sticky unstable, sticky, sticky will rebound after the good, placed for a period of time after the powder and so on, so what to pay attention to?

        1: Different sizing methods, such as machine dispensing, machine over-gluing, artificial rubber pot gluing, artificial brush gluing, etc., will lead to different results.

        2. Choose products conforming to national standards, products that have been reused by the industry, and products with strong stickiness.

        3: Must do in accordance with the correct way of construction, control the speed and amount of glue, thickness.

        4: Pay attention to the changes of packaging materials. Do small batch experiments before using adhesive.

        5: Pay attention to the weather conditions when the glue is used. When the weather is too wet or too cold, pay attention to whether the glue has volatilized to the sticky condition. Will there be white fog on the surface of the glue?

        Appear after the box is not sticky, rebound and so on how to do?

        Solution: say 1000 to 10000, prevention is given priority to, appeared these problems, so can choose unqualified product to come out again dozen glue, choose a little bit better glue, besmear a little bit thicker glue, fill good glue, air set 48 hours after passing quality inspection can leave the factory.







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