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        What is environmental friendly all-purpose adhesive?

        Source: Time:2020-06-08 16:46:05 views:

        Environmental protection adhesive refers to meet the national standards, not adding mixed benzene, hexane, 1, 2 - dichloroethane low-priced high toxic solvent adhesive products, such as 2008 countries have enacted related "adhesive of harmful material set limit to" standard, only environment-friendly adhesive to be promulgated by the state environmental protection administration of the "product certification of Chinese
        Environmental protection adhesive refers to meet the national standards, not adding mixed benzene, hexane, 1, 2 - dichloroethane low-priced high toxic solvent adhesive products, such as 2008 countries have enacted related "adhesive of harmful material set limit to" standard, only environment-friendly adhesive to be promulgated by the state environmental protection administration of the "product certification of Chinese environment mark". In order to facilitate consumer recognition, on the outer packing of the products will be stamped with "Chinese environment mark" for round shape, composed of green and gold, the main part is made in the middle of the green hill, green water, the sun and the surrounding rings of ten interlocking, which calls the "green" ten ring logo, now has obtained the certification of famous brand all-purpose adhesive gukangli, etc.

        Tell from the price, choose quality to be reliable, environmental protection product wants a few taller than common product nature, but the proportion that place holds to decorate total cost is very low, less than 0.5% normally. For a small fee that can save you worry, it's well worth it. Hope can pass the introduction of this article, can help somewhat to consumer in auxiliary material of choose and buy, hope the tragedy won't repeat, hope all people can live inside the bedroom of green environmental protection.

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