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        A Brief Analysis on removing dirt from adhesive paper by all-purpose adhesive manufacturer

        Source: Time:2018-07-28 14:03:35 views:

        I believe you are familiar with the versatile adhesive can not be familiar with again, it is often used in our life, almost involved in all industries. We all know that the biggest characteristic of all-purpose adhesive is its strong bonding ability

        I believe you are familiar with the versatile adhesive can not be familiar with again, it is often used in our life, almost involved in all industries. We all know that the biggest characteristic of all-purpose adhesive is its strong bonding ability. Due to its strong bonding ability, the dirt left by the adhesive paper is very difficult to remove, so many people have a headache. After the all-purpose adhesive paper is torn off, the dirt remains on the surface of the bonded item, which affects its aesthetics and service life, so it needs to be removed. In fact, there are many ways to remove the dirt of multipurpose adhesive paper, multipurpose adhesive manufacturers have unique tricks, the following multipurpose adhesive manufacturers will give you a detailed introduction of the removal of dirt.

        And one of the ways to do that is to use alcohol, and we're going to use a solvent alcohol, which is better known as industrial alcohol, because the alcohol that we normally use is not as effective. Of course, they can, because it depends on their composition. We can use a clean paper towel to dip in and take some alcohol, and then wipe several times in the dirt, and finally wash with water several times to remove the clean.

        The all-purpose adhesive manufacturer told us that the fastest way to remove dirt is to remove it with acetone. The steps of removing dirt with acetone are similar to those of alcohol. We first take a piece of paper towel and dip it in acetone to wipe it away for a few times and then it can be quickly removed.

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